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Implementation of the Manager pattern existing in Laravel framework.
composer require degraciamathieu/manager
This package offers an abstract class Manager
which needs to be extended to implement the creation of various Driver classes.
use DeGraciaMathieu/Manager/Manager;
class LoggerManager extends Manager {
public function createMonologDriver(): LoggerDriver
return new MonologDriver();
public function createMockDriver(): LoggerDriver
return new MockDriver();
public function getDefaultDriver()
return 'monolog';
The getDefaultDriver
method should also be implemented in your class Manager
, in order to determine which driver has to be created by default. It's also the right spot to determine the default driver from an environment variable, or a configuration.
public function getDefaultDriver()
In a matter of consistency, all Driver creations (createClientDriver
, createMockDriver
...) should return a class which itself implements the same interface, the LoggerDriver contract in this here case.
interface LoggerDriver {
public function doAnything();
class MonologDriver implements LoggerDriver {
public function doAnything()
echo 'i do anything from the monolog driver';
class MockDriver implements LoggerDriver {
public function doAnything()
echo 'i do anything from the mock driver';
From now on, it's possible to use your Manager
, either by using the default driver:
(new LoggerManager())->doAnything(); // i do anything from the monolog driver
Or by simply specify the driver which needs to be instantiated.
(new LoggerManager())->driver('monolog')->doAnything(); // i do anything from the monolog driver
(new LoggerManager())->driver('mock')->doAnything(); // i do anything from the mock driver
Example with Laravel:
Usage example of the pattern manager in a Laravel project.